Get to know the Avisi Apps team

Avisi Apps delivers apps and integrations that work out of the box and fill existing gaps in tooling. With our expertise on software development, we can make the day to day life of our customers even simpler. The story began within the Atlassian ecosystem where we’ve become a Platinum marketplace vendor. As of today, we create synergies and deliver value to customers in different ecosystems: Atlassian,, GitLab and TOPdesk.

Mitchel Kuijpers
Technical lead

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Mitchel is our technical inspiration. Mitchel loves to dive into new frameworks and techniques. With the knowledge he has gained Mitchel definitely has an eye for the big picture. Mitchel doesn’t miss a chance to give strong feedback and suggestions to help other team members.

Fun fact: Mitchel always starts his workday with a fitness work-out.

Daniëlle Overdevest
Product designer

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Creative designer who wants to bridge the gap between people and technology. Crafts ultimate experiences through research and fantastic designs. Besides designing, she loves to hike in nature and pet every dog she can find.

Timo van der Kamp
Software developer

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Timo is a software developer with a strong preference for building elegant user experiences. The finishing touches on our apps with beautiful animations are certainly built by Timo.

Timo will always go above and beyond in support. Also, if you're in for a good laugh, Timo has got you covered.

Thijs van Hall
Product Designer

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Thijs is a Product Designer who likes to turn complex ideas into an easy-to-understand experience.

He loves coming up with new solutions and bringing them to life. In his spare time, he devours books, likes to run, and often goes out to explore nature with his daughters.

Gert-Jan van de Streek
Team lead / developer

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Once upon a time, Gert-Jan founded Avisi. Wherever he goes, he takes his enthusiasm about software development and ambitious mindset with him. As Gert-Jan can’t let go of his passion for code, he still dives into the nitty-gritty details of our projects.

In need for a BBQ? Gert-Jan is your guy.

Jannick Joosten
Software developer

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Jannick is a software developer who is eager to iron out all the flaws in a system. He enjoys diving head first into new problems and to find creative solutions.

In his spare time he likes to play some good old video games or some tunes on the piano.

Demi van Kesteren
Software developer

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Demi is a software developer who not only loves to create beautiful apps, but also build good-looking and exciting user experiences.

Besides being a front-end fanatic, she likes to be creative with (digital) pencils and paint as well. Furthermore she enjoys a good book from time to time.

Bas Wienhoven
Product owner

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Bas oversees the product lifecycle. He has a genuine interest in the day-to-day challenges customers face and helps overcome them by iterating on our products.

When he's not working you can find him rocking out on stage or on the track drifting about.

Dilara Erecek
Product marketer

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Dilara is our product marketer, specializing in the Atlassian ecosystem. She's really into decision science and analytics, making sure our brand looks top-notch.

When she's not busy with that, you can find her lost in a good book or embarking on her next travel destination.

Katja Mosina
Product marketer

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Katja is a product marketeer specializing in apps. With a keen eye for market trends and a knack for strategic planning, she loves to craft go-to-market strategies and analyse their impact.

Outside work, Katja finds her balance in the saddle, indulging in her love for horse riding, or pushing her limits at the gym.

Jaap Maaskant
Software developer

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Jaap loves software development as the creative intersection between intellectual and practical ideas. He's a fanatic climber and enjoys a DIY-lifestyle.

He enhances the team from the French Pyrenees where he combines these passions.

Avisi building
Avisi and Avisi Apps

Part of Avisi

Avisi Apps is part of Avisi, a software company enabling (more) digitalisation for IT departments. Avisi has over 100 employees working in small, independent teams. Key values of Avisi are: motivated by passion, trust is crucial, quality is a priority, innovation is in our nature and the result is important.

Get in touch

Contact us

For questions about our apps, feature requests or bugs, contact us via our support channel.

Consulting and licenses

Contact our consultancy team for information on licensing or implementation.

Other questions

For other questions you can send an email to


Check out our documentation for Atlassian or

Avisi Apps builds apps you can trust

We have a SOC 2 declaration
We are ISO 27701:2019 and ISO 27001:2022 certified
We maintain all GDPR standards