February 27, 2024

Confluence Code Block in DevOps Documentation

Thijs van Hall


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In the realm of software development and DevOps, the clarity and accessibility of documentation cannot be overstated. Clear, well-organized documentation plays a crucial role in facilitating effective communication among team members, streamlining development processes, and ensuring successful project outcomes. As projects evolve and become increasingly complex, the need for maintaining accurate and easily understandable documentation becomes even more critical.

Confluence, developed by Atlassian, stands out as a powerful tool for creating, managing, and collaborating on documentation. Its robust features and intuitive interface make it an indispensable asset for teams looking to keep their documentation organized and accessible. Among its many features, the ability to include code blocks within documentation pages is particularly significant for technical documentation.

The Power of Code Blocks in Confluence

Code blocks in Confluence are specially formatted sections of a page designed to display code snippets or command-line examples. They are essential for technical documentation, as they provide a clear, syntax-highlighted presentation of code, making it easier for readers to understand and follow along. The utility of code blocks extends beyond mere aesthetics; they play a pivotal role in reducing misunderstandings and errors that can arise from incorrectly interpreted or implemented code.

Ease of Adding Code Blocks to Confluence

Adding code blocks to Confluence documentation is straightforward, reflecting the platform's user-friendly design. Here's a simplified step-by-step guide:

  1. In the Confluence editor, place your cursor where you want to insert the code block.
  2. Use the "+" button or type "/" to open the insert menu.
  3. Type Code for and select "Code Snippet."
  4. Choose the relevant programming language for syntax highlighting (if applicable).
  5. Paste or type your code into the created block.

This process underscores the ease with which teams can enhance their documentation, making technical details more accessible and understandable.

General Benefits of Using Code Blocks

  • Improved Readability and Comprehension: Syntax highlighting and clear separation from the rest of the text make code snippets easier to read and understand.
  • Enhanced Documentation Aesthetics and Structure: Code blocks contribute to a more organized and visually appealing documentation page.
  • Facilitation of Error-Free Code Sharing: By providing exact code snippets, code blocks help prevent the introduction of errors that can occur when manually transcribing code.

The DevOps Perspective on Documentation

DevOps emphasizes rapid development, continuous integration, and continuous delivery, creating a dynamic environment where changes are frequent and rapid. This fast-paced nature poses significant challenges for maintaining up-to-date documentation. Traditional documentation practices, which often involve manual updates, struggle to keep pace with the continuous changes characteristic of DevOps projects.

The Need for Up-to-Date Code Blocks

In the context of DevOps, the currency of code blocks within documentation is paramount. Outdated code snippets can lead to confusion, misimplementation, and a divergence between the documented processes and the actual codebase. Ensuring that code blocks reflect the latest codebase changes is essential for maintaining the integrity and utility of technical documentation.

Code Blocks as a Source of Truth

Accurate code blocks serve as a source of truth within technical documentation, reinforcing best practices in software development and operations. They provide a reliable reference point for developers, operators, and other stakeholders, facilitating a shared understanding and consistent implementation of the codebase. This alignment is crucial for the collaborative and iterative nature of DevOps, supporting efficient workflow and project success.

In summary, the integration of code blocks within Confluence documentation offers significant advantages for DevOps teams, enabling them to maintain clear, accurate, and effective technical documentation. By leveraging Confluence's capabilities, teams can enhance communication, streamline development processes, and ensure that their documentation keeps pace with the rapid changes characteristic of DevOps environments.

Keeping Your Code Blocks Updated with Git for Confluence

Outdated code blocks within Confluence documentation present a significant challenge, especially in the context of rapidly evolving software projects. The core of this issue lies in the static nature of code blocks as traditionally implemented in documentation platforms like Confluence. When code blocks are static, they are essentially snapshots of the code at a point in time. While this may accurately reflect the codebase when initially documented, software development is inherently dynamic, with frequent updates and changes. This dynamism can quickly render static code blocks obsolete.

The problem exacerbates as the discrepancy between the documented code and the actual codebase grows. For developers, particularly those new to the project or those revisiting a section of code after some time, outdated code blocks can lead to confusion and misunderstandings. They might spend valuable time trying to integrate or modify code based on outdated examples, leading to frustration and potential errors in implementation. This situation undermines the reliability of the documentation and, by extension, the efficiency of the development process itself.

Moreover, the issue of static code blocks goes beyond just the individual developer's experience. It impacts team collaboration and the onboarding process for new team members. Good documentation should serve as a reliable, up-to-date reference that fosters understanding and efficiency. When code blocks fail to reflect the current state of the codebase, it compromises these objectives, potentially leading to a broader impact on project timelines and quality.

The inherent problem with static code blocks underscores the need for a more dynamic approach to documentation in software development.

Git for Confluence as a Solution

Git for Confluence addresses these challenges by directly linking Confluence documentation with code stored in Git repositories. This integration ensures that code blocks within Confluence pages are automatically updated in tandem with changes made to the code in the repository. Here’s how it works:

  • Automated Updates: Git for Confluence monitors connected Git repositories for changes. When updates are made to code, corresponding Confluence documentation is automatically updated to reflect these changes.
  • Seamless Integration: This solution leverages the native functionality of Confluence and Git, providing a seamless bridge between documentation and code without disrupting developer workflows.

Advantages Over Traditional Methods

  • Reduced Manual Updates: Automating the synchronization between code and documentation eliminates the need for manual updates, saving time and reducing the risk of human error.
  • Synchronization with Codebase: Ensuring that code blocks in documentation always match the actual codebase enhances the accuracy and reliability of documentation.
  • Streamlined Workflows: By minimizing the need for context switching between development and documentation environments, developer workflows are streamlined, enhancing productivity.

Adding Codeblocks with Git for Confluence

Adding code blocks to Confluence can be achieved through two straightforward methods:

  1. Direct Link Pasting: Simply paste the URL of the source code file into a Confluence page. Confluence automatically renders the code block with appropriate syntax highlighting, making this method quick and efficient for integrating code.
  2. Git for Confluence Macro Editor: By entering /git in the Confluence editor, users can access a dedicated macro for inserting code. After pasting the source code URL, the editor provides options for display customization and allows for manual language selection if automatic detection does not identify the correct programming language.

Deciding on Authorization Methods

Git for Confluence enhances the way private Git resources are accessed and displayed within Confluence, offering two distinct methods: Individual Access (OAuth 2.0) and Managed Access (Token). Each approach caters to different organizational needs and preferences, ensuring that teams can share and manage private content securely and efficiently.

Individual Access (OAuth 2.0)

With Individual Access, users authenticate using their Git accounts via OAuth 2.0 to share private resources on Confluence pages. This method is user-friendly and straightforward, allowing for immediate access and sharing of private Git resources.

Managed Access (Token)

Managed Access introduces a more controlled approach to sharing private Git resources. Administrators configure a global access token that grants Confluence the permission to fetch resources from Git repositories. This method offers several key advantages:

  • Controlled Access: By using a token, administrators can precisely control which repositories Confluence can access, enhancing security and preventing unauthorized sharing.
  • Stable Resource Sharing: Since access is not tied to individual user accounts, shared resources remain accessible in Confluence as long as the configured token retains access to the repository. This stability is crucial for ensuring that documentation remains consistent and accessible over time.
  • Flexible Permissions: Administrators can decide which user groups within Confluence are allowed to share private content. This granularity enables organizations to comply with internal security policies and regulations by restricting access to sensitive information only to authorized personnel.


Integrating Confluence code blocks with Git is pivotal for maintaining accurate, up-to-date technical documentation in DevOps environments. This practice significantly impacts project efficiency, developer productivity, and overall project success by ensuring documentation reflects the latest codebase changes. Moreover, it provides full control over how users authorize access to Git repositories, tailoring the experience to meet the security and accessibility needs of the project.


  • How do I add a code block to Confluence? Adding a code block can be as simple as using the Confluence editor to insert a preformatted text block or leveraging the Git for Confluence integration for dynamic updates.
  • Can Confluence code blocks be automatically updated? Yes, with Git for Confluence integration, code blocks can be automatically updated to reflect changes in the linked Git repository.
  • What are the benefits of linking Confluence documentation with Git repositories? This linkage ensures documentation accuracy, streamlines developer workflows, and facilitates better collaboration by keeping documentation in sync with the codebase.
  • How does Git for Confluence enhance documentation management? It automates the update process for code blocks within Confluence, reduces manual documentation efforts, and ensures that technical documentation remains current with the codebase.

Related Insights:

• Discover how our Git for Confluence integration enhances GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket, and Azure DevOps documentation in Confluence.

• See how Confluence Markdown can transform your documentation practices, offering a more flexible and efficient way to manage project documentation.

Start your free trial!

Do you want to learn more about Git for Confluence? Start your 30-day free trial to explore every feature of Git for Confluence and determine if it fits your needs.

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