May 14, 2024

How to Set Up Your Tracket Account: a Step-by-Step Guide

Katja Mosina

Product Marketer

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Whether you're just getting started with Tracket or you're in charge of setting things up for your team, it's important to customize your account to fit your workflow. This guide will walk you through the basic setup for both individual users and admins, making sure everything from your personal settings to company-wide configurations is just right.

For Users: Fine-Tuning Your Personal Settings

Let’s start by getting your personal account settings dialed in. First, go to Settings and click on Preferences. This is where you'll adjust the basics to make your account work better for you.

Step 1: Choosing Your Time Format

Do you prefer to see the time in your calendar and do you want to include weekends? Set it right here to make sure all the times look right to you.

Step 2: Set Up Your Timer

If you need to keep track of how much time you're spending on tasks, get your timer set up the way you like it. You can adjust it to fit exactly how you work—whether that's in short bursts or longer stretches.

Step 3: Change Notifications

Notifications can be a great way to keep track of what’s happening, but too many can be annoying. Set up your notifications so you get just the important updates, without the noise.

For Admins: Configuring Settings for Your Organization

As an admin, you have a few more boxes to tick to ensure the whole team is synced up and ready to go. First, you have to go to Settings, from there you can set all your company-level Tracket settings.

Step 1: Set Start of the Week

Head to Settings, then Account Settings, and select when your company's week starts. This might be Sunday, Monday, or another day, depending on your company's schedule. Setting this correctly helps everyone stay on track with deadlines and meetings.

Step 2: Add Holiday Schedules

Under Settings, find Company Policies. This is where you can set up holidays. This is important if you have team members in different countries. You can add new holidays or adjust the existing ones to fit your team's needs. To assign a specific holiday schedule to a person, head to Teams and People and choose the right holiday schedule from a dropdown.

Step 3: Customize Time Entry Template

In Time Management, you can customize the template your team uses every time they track time. This helps keep everyone's logs consistent and makes sure you capture all the important details. You can set some fields as required, like the project or task, and add custom fields or categories if you need to track more specific information.

Step 4: Manage your Team

Managing Working Hours and Holidays

In the Teams and People section, check your team structures and set up working hours and holiday schedules for each person. This helps manage expectations and keeps everyone on the same page. You can also set whether a person is a team member of the team or a team admin. Team admins can approve and reject timesheets of other team members.

TIP: if you want to assign person to a specific team, this is done on a account level. Go to Administration → Users in your account to assign a member to a team.

Checking Permissions

Last but not least, check out who can do what in Tracket. You'll find this under Permissions. Make sure everyone has the access they need, whether they’re managing the team or just handling their own tasks. admins are set on your account level, while team members and team admins are set within Tracket, as we explained in the previous paragraph.

By following these steps, you can tailor your Tracket account to support your daily work and align with the team's workflow ;)

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