February 3, 2022

Introducing Atlas CRM Automations

Elise Beer

Product Owner

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We’re going to introduce a brand new feature to you: Atlas CRM automations. In this blog we will explain to  you what automations are, give an example of how these automations can benefit you as an Atlas CRM user and give you the option to have early access to the automations.

Atlas CRM automations consist of different building blocks that can be combined to automate tasks which used to be manual tasks, such as the linking of a company/contact to an Jira issue. You’d have to believe me when I say: Atlas CRM automations will save you time!

What’s the deal?

Atlas CRM automations consists of a trigger and one or more action(s). You can combine those to automate tasks. I will first give you real-life examples of both to give you an idea.

Triggers and actions

A trigger is fired based on an event that occurs. Each time the trigger happens, the linked action is performed. To give you an example: Have you ever watched a line of Dominoes fall when you knock the first one down? You've just created a trigger.

Configure automations

Currently we’ve created a set of triggers and actions to help automating the linking of customers and sales or to combine Jira issue fields with Atlas CRM fields. Atlas CRM automations can be configured per project. You can read more here.

Available triggers:

  • Issue created: Each time an issue is created in a project, this trigger is run.
  • Contact linked to issue: Each time an Atlas CRM contact is linked to an issue, this trigger is run.
  • Company linked to issue: Each time an Atlas CRM contact is linked to an issue, this trigger is run.

These three triggers can be combined with the actions below:

Available actions:

  • Link company based on custom field: here you can select an Atlas CRM template field to match with a Jira issue field. If the Jira issue field matches an Atlas CRM company, it will be linked automatically.
  • Link contact based on custom field: the exact same as the first action, only a contact will be linked based on the matching fields.
  • Link contact based on reporter’s email: With this action the reporter of an issue can be automatically linked as an Atlas CRM contact based on the e-mail of the reporter.
  • Link company based on reporter’s email: The same as above, only the company will be linked, based on the domain (avisi.apps.com is our domain).
  • Copy template fields to custom fields: Use this action to copy Atlas CRM data to an issue when a company or contact has been linked to an issue. With this action you can match multiple Atlas CRM template fields with Jira issue fields.
  • Link a linked company: Use this action to link a company to an issue if there’s already a contact linked to this issue.

Note that each trigger can be combined with one or more actions. There are a lot of combinations possible.

Use of Atlas CRM automations

Let’s highlight two actions to give you an example of what you can achieve with the automations.

The action: “copy template fields to custom fields”

This action allows you to use Atlas CRM data in JQL queries. For example, use a copied field to prioritise your Service desk queue.

The action “link a linked company”

Using this action will save you time by automatically linking a company, if there’s already a contact linked to a Jira issue.

Want early access?

If you think Atlas CRM automations can help your company to start automating your day to day work processes, please reach out to us. Currently, Atlas CRM automations can be enabled per account. Later on, we will release this functionality with a public release.

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