Chris Meijer
Product Marketing
We’re happy to announce a new feature to the TOPdesk Jira integration that helps you to improve collaboration between software and operations teams. It’s now possible to view actions and related attachments from TOPdesk in a Jira issue, enabling you to read requests and comments in Jira.
You can choose to push changes and/or incidents to the related Jira ticket. The function is by default disabled for current TOPdesk Jira integration customers. You can enable it in the Incident and Change settings of the app. Read for more information the documentation.
Your operations team is handling customer service calls in TOPdesk. Important information such as customer feedback, bugs and feature requests are all captured within TOPdesk actions.
The software team needs a clear understanding of your customers challenges in order to develop a solution. By adding actions from TOPdesk to a Jira ticket, the software team can quickly identify the challenge and develop the appropriate feature of bug fix.
We will enable Jira users to add comments to the actions fields in the near future. This will help you to streamline the communication between your software and operations.
Start your free TOPdesk Jira Integration trial now! For questions about our this integration, please visit our documentation or get in touch via our support channel.