Chris Meijer
Product Marketing
We are happy to introduce a brand-new app in the Atlassian marketplace: Visualizer for Confluence! Visualizer for Confluence enables every Confluence user to embed source code and render diagrams.
Do you want to explain a protocol or interface in plantUML? Or do you have a readme file in markdown that you want to visualize? Visualizer for Confluence automatically renders formats like markdown, SVG, plantUML and other file types, enabling you to share source code in understandable schemas and flowcharts straight from Confluence.
Syntax highlighting and line numbering
Visualizer for Confluence will also help you to embed and share easy to read source code in Confluence. The app supports syntax highlighting and line numbering for a vast amount of different programming languages. Making your source code easier to read and understand.
What are you waiting for?
Download the app and start your free trial in the Atlassian marketplace. Do you have a question about Visualizer for Confluence? Check out our documentation or get in touch via our support channel.