November 15, 2022

Streamline communications with new TOPdesk Jira integration capabilities

Chris Meijer

Product Marketing

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We are happy to announce new TOPdesk Jira integration features that will improve the collaboration between software and operation teams.

It was already possible to view actions and related attachments from TOPdesk in a Jira issue. This now also works the other way around, as a Jira user you can add comments to TOPdesk action fields, and you can attach files in Jira and push them to TOPdesk. Uploaded files will be synchronized automatically.

Update documentation: New blueprints

Action sequences allow you to integrate from TOPdesk to Jira. These are extremely flexible and need to be modified to fit your exact use case. We’ve added three blueprints to our documentation to help you on your way. These use cases allow you to learn how to modify action sequences yourself and some frequently used action sequences.

  • Firstly, the “Updating a field  ” blueprint helps you to get started, it allows you to update a single field on a Jira issue.
  • The “Transition an issue ” blueprint allows you to change an issue’s status from TOPdesk. It can help Jira users to know the progress of a linked incident or change.
  • As a last blueprint, there is “Set a priority  ”. Setting a priority makes it clear for your Jira operators which issues to handle first. Syncing the priority in TOPdesk to Jira is a great way to keep everyone on the same page.

Try it out!

Start your free TOPdesk Jira Integration trial now to explore the new functionalities!

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