Chris Meijer
Product Marketing
It's easy to forget some of the details after a conversation with a customer. That's why it's so important to write notes about requirements, preferences and customer experience. But what happens when you are 3 weeks off and a customer is calling your colleague?
This is where Atlas CRM comes in. Atlas CRM will help you to collaborate better and share customer information. You can attach files to a company or contact and write down notes which your colleague can use in a conversation with the customer.
When a customer calls your office, you and your colleagues will be there to talk about the product, service and customer needs. Detailed information about previous customer contact within the CRM will assist you to help the customer efficiently. Immediately you will see which stage of the customer lifecycle this customer belongs to. You can see previous and upcoming meetings and each time your customer calls you will get a better view on the customer preferences and needs.
We recently introduced new customer interaction functionality to save all communication in Atlas CRM. Subscribe for our newsletter to stay up to date on coming Atlas CRM releases.